2010年9月4日 星期六


轉貼來源 台灣立報 2010-7-07 23:20









About half of school-age children in the southern Somali port town of Kismayu are ditching classes to join rebels fighting to topple a fragile government, teachers said.


They are lured by money and the mystique of militia (1) fighting in a chaotic country that has little to offer them in the way of jobs or opportunity.

這個位於非洲之角的國家,自1991年罷黜獨裁者巴瑞(Maslah Mohamed Siad Barre)之後,一直沒有新的中央政府,目前臨時政府正與反抗團體青年黨(al-Shabaab)爭戰中。青年黨掌控著吉斯邁尤,甚至對使用當地港口者徵稅。

The Horn of Africa (2) nation has had no central government since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and an interim government is battling al Shabaab rebels who make money through taxing port users in Kismayu.


■索馬利亞的孩子被金錢和民兵團體的神秘性給吸引,民兵團體在這個幾乎無法給人民工作和發展機會的混亂國家中四處作戰。圖為索馬利亞首都街頭的伊斯蘭主義武裝團體。 (圖文/路透)

"They proudly carry their guns around while the classrooms are empty... Islamist commanders woo the children whether in public gatherings or in the mosques," a Kismayu primary school teacher said, declining to be named.


Al Shabaab (3), which professes loyalty to al Qaeda, is feared by many Somalis for its application of a strict form of Islamic law, including executing people for blasphemy and robbery.

在過去,該組織曾策劃過青年可蘭經頌讀比賽,勝利者的獎品是反坦克地雷、電腦和AK-47步槍。17歲的加達(Mohamed Kadhar)就是輟學加入軍事團體的孩子之一。

In the past, the group has organised Koran-reciting competitions among youths with prizes like anti-tank mines, computers and AK-47 guns for the winners. Mohamed Kadhar, 17, is one of the many children who have dropped to join the militant group.


He is content as a young soldier and has no regrets because he could never earn as much money elsewhere, even if he had gone to university, because of the country's conflict.


"I left school because I couldn't get hundreds of dollars in school. I am now an al Shabaab militia. My dream is to become a mujahedeen (4) commander of the troops who will take over Somalia in the coming year," Kadhar said in Mogadishu after returning from a street battle with government forces.


Somalia analysts warn of dire consequences should the young people be left at the mercy of groups like al Shabaab which take advantage of widespread poverty as a recruitment tool.

「過去擔心許多年輕人會加入暴力宗教和部落戰士團體的憂慮,現在成真了。」卡達首都杜哈一名政治史教授愛爾米(Afyare Elmi)接受《路透》電話訪問時說。

"The concerns over many youngsters joining violent religious and tribal fighters are real," Afyare Elmi, a political history professor told Reuters by phone from Doha, Qatar.


"We need to understand that most of these are doing it because of lack of employment and educational opportunities."

許多失業的家長,也只能接受年輕人蜂湧加入軍事份子陣營的殘酷現實。在辛苦照顧孩子多年後,他們的孩子紛紛加入青年黨或是「伊斯蘭黨」(Hizbul Islam)這個反抗團體,讓家長自此失去孩子。

Many unemployed parents are living with the tough reality of the rise of militancy among the young. After toiling (5) to fend for their children, they lose them to groups like al-Shabaab or Hizbul Islam, another rebel group.

「我的丈夫在1994年過世。我只能賣菜養活我的孩子。」吉斯邁尤一名3個孩子的母親馬哈穆德(Mariam Mahamud)向《路透社》表示。

"My husband died in 1994. I sell vegetables in order to maintain my children," Mariam Mahamud, a mother of three told Reuters from Kismayu.


"I was happy thinking I would retire soon now that they have gone to school but one of my sons became a militiaman and he doesn't contact me anymore."


