source: PNN 12.04.11 - 16:35
Ramallah - C. Martin/PNN - The Prince of Spain Don Felipe de Borbon and his wife Doña Leticia were welcomed today by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, in the Presidential Compound.
It is the first time that a European Royal Family has paid an official visit to Palestine. After listening to the Spanish and Palestinian anthems, the royal couple met and greeted the Palestinian army.
The royals were also welcomed by different authorities. Among them the Palestinian Foreign Affairs Minister, the Governor of Ramallah, the Palestinian Ambassador in Madrid.
Spanish Royal Family in Ramallah - PNN PhotoAlso there was a representation of the religious authorities, such the Head of the Patriarchate and of the Holy Synod, Patriarch Theophilos III.
After an official lunch that is being held now with the Palestinian President, the prince and the princess of Asturias will continue on to Jordan.
Two weeks ago around thirty associations and NGOs from Spain and Israel submitted a letter to the Chief of Spanish Royal Household, Alberto Aza, asking for the cancellation of this official visit.According to the NGOs letter, which was also signed by the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), this visit supports somehow the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land.
ICAHD say that Israel promotes, finance and legitimate the illegal construction of settlement in violation of the international law.
轉貼來源: 新華網 2011年04月13日 02:54:40
新華網拉姆安拉4月12日電(記者陳序 呂迎旭)巴勒斯坦民族權力機構主席阿巴斯12日在約旦河西岸城市拉姆安拉會見了來訪的西班牙王儲費利佩和王儲妃萊蒂西亞,這是歐洲王室成員首次訪問巴勒斯坦。