秘魯保育組織「熱愛自然」(ProNaturaleza)從自願讓出地產的地主手中,買下位於秘魯北部靠近伊基托斯市的Allpahuayo Mishana國家自然保護區内29筆土地。總共捐出的土地有1,196英畝,目前為一種瀕危鳥類─蚋鶯(Polioptila clementsi)的棲所。
「熱愛自然」保育組織執行長阿爾卡爾德(Martin Alcald)表示:「Allpahuayo Mishana是伊基托斯的驕傲,這件案例是鮮明的例子,顯示透過公私機構合作,能夠促進保護區的經營管理。」
協助募集基金的美國鳥類保育協會(American Bird Conservancy),該協會生物學家雷賓博士(Dr. Daniel Lebbin)表示:「該保護區是秘魯境内鳥類最重要的棲地之一,也是面臨嚴重瀕危的伊基托斯蚋鶯唯一的居所。」
受其活動範圍限制,伊基托斯蚋鶯只在不到8平方英里,換算約為4,950英畝的地方活動,同時面臨其棲息地白沙林遭砍伐威脅所致,伊基托斯蚋鶯因而被權威性世界自然保育聯盟(IUCN)的瀕危物種紅皮書(Red List of Threatened Species)列為極度瀕危。
根據導覽遊客進入保護區,總部設在伊基托斯市的導遊公司亞馬遜曙光(Dawn on the Amazon)表示,保護區内的蝴蝶種類更是多於任何其他地方,並且還有多達100種此地僅有的植物物種。
該保護區被「零絕種聯盟」(Alliance for Zero Extinction)為防止物種滅絕而將之併列爲全球587個保育場址之一。
Peruvian NGO Buys Private Lands for National Conservation
IQUITOS, Peru, December 10, 2010 (ENS)
In a first for Peru, conservationists have purchased privately owned lands within a national protected area and donated them to the Peruvian government.
The Peruvian conservation organization ProNaturaleza bought 29 properties from willing landowners within the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve near the city of Iquitos in northern Peru.
The donated lands, totaling 1,196 acres, are inhabited by the Iquitos gnatcatcher, , a Critically Endangered bird first described in 2005 that is estimated to number fewer than 50 pairs.
Martin Alcalde, executive director of ProNaturaleza, said, "This experience is a clear example of joint work between public and private institutions benefiting the management of the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, the pride of Iquitos."
The 143,500-acre Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, located 15 miles from the city of Iquitos, protects rare white-sand forests that shelter unique plants and animals.
"This reserve is one of the most important places for birds in Peru and is the only home for the Critically Endangered Iquitos gnatcatcher," said Dr. Daniel Lebbin, conservation biologist with American Bird Conservancy, the U.S. bird conservation organization which helped to fund the acquisition.
The Iquitos gnatcatcher is classed as Critically Endangered by the authoritative IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to its restricted range, amounting to less than eight square miles or roughly 4,950 acres and the threat of deforestation to its white-sand forest habitat.
In addition to the Iquitos gnatcatcher, the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve is filled with native species found nowhere else on Earth.
The reserve has more species of butterflies than any other place in the world, and nearly 100 plant species which exist nowhere else, according to Dawn on the Amazon, a tour guiding company based in Iquitos that escorts visitors into the reserve.
In the reserve, 500 varieties of trees are found per hectare (2.5 acres), more than any site on Earth. Many of these tree species are white-sand specialists and are very rare, due to the scarcity of white-sand forests.
Of the 475 species of birds that have been documented in reserve, 21 species are associated only with the white-sand forest habitat, Dawn on the Amazon guides tell their visitors.
The Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve is recognized by the Alliance for Zero Extinction as one of 587 sites worldwide where conservation is essential to prevent species extinctions.
ProNaturaleza said a statement announcing the donation that it hopes to promote a culture of conservation by promoting birdwatching and appropriate use of natural resources within the reserve.